Silvia Tamburini

Silvia Tamburini graduated in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Trento in 2019, presenting a thesis entitled “Evaluation of antibodies against L2 major cross-neutralisation epitope of oncogenic HPV types induced by a candidate prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine” done at the Tumorvirus-specific Vaccination Strategies laboratory at the DKFZ in Heidelberg, Germany. From that point, her work focused on both immunological and oncological topics. From 2020, Silvia is a PhD student in cancer immunotherapy in the Synthetic and structural Vaccinology lab led by Prof. Guido Grandi at the University of Trento, but she is working at the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation, a branch office of the laboratory. During the PhD project, she is working on the development of new vaccines against HPV and on the discovery of new immuno-therapeutic formulations against different types of tumors.

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