Gabriele Di Lascio
Gabriele Di Lascio received his bachelor’s degree in chemical sciences and technologies (L-27) from the University of Siena (2013-2016) with an experimental thesis in physical chemistry dealing with the functionalization of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for the preparation of hybrid hydrogels as controlled drug delivery systems. After her bachelor’s degree, he carried out an internship at Glaxo Smith Kline vaccine s.r.l. at the research center in Siena, dealing with vaccine formulation and analysis on the final product (2017). After this work experience, he received his master’s degree in chemical sciences (LM-54) in “Clinical Forensic and Sport Chemistry” from the University of Turin (2017-2019). The experimental thesis project concerned the chemical-physical study of dust from industrial processing and cause-effect relationship in biological tests. The thesis project was carried out in collaboration with the “G. Scansetti” Interdepartmental Center for the Study of Asbestos and Other Harmful Particulates, with which, the following year, he won a one-year scholarship. From 2021 until 2022, Gabriele Di Lascio was awarded a fellowship for postgraduate research activities issued by the University of Trento (CIBIO Department) with Scientific Head Prof. Guido Grandi, within the VACCIBIOME project with project title “Vaccines against tumors and infectious diseases,” mainly dealing with the production and purification of Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) released by gram-negative bacteria. Since 2022 Gabriele Di Lascio has become an employee as research chemist at Toscana Life Sciences Foundation (TLS) actively involved in the VACCIBIOME project.