Studying the uniqueness of all living things
The medical revolution is already underway and classic diagnosis and treatment approaches have been overtaken by a new vision based on the great genetic variability of each individual. It’s our uniqueness, the more accurate characterization of each single genomic background and how it influences the predisposition to the diseases or the effectiveness of drugs, that takes shape the precision medicine. Polo GGB, a non-profit company recently incubated in Tuscany Life Sciences Foundation, operates in this field. Polo GGB has built a strong expertise in a variety of sequencing applications in all fields of life sciences like Whole Genome, De-Novo, Whole Transcriptome, miRNA, Exome, Methylation, Ribosome profiling, Targeted RNA and relative libraries preparation (including Mate-Pair). Moreover, Polo GGB provides bioinformatics analysis for all the sequencing applications. The facility holds some of the most advanced instruments in the field including HiSeq 2500 Illumina, MiSeq DX Illumina, MiSeq Illumina. The computational infrastructure consists of high throughput computing servers and high storage capacity appliances. The main objectives, as underlined by CEO Greta Immobile Molaro in the interview, are driving innovation in genetics and genomics and promoting technology transfer with industry. From the entrance in the bio-incubator, the company is actively contributing to precision medicine projects, in collaboration with the TLS, public and private research institutions and enterprises.
Greta Immobile Molaro