SKAN, azienda svizzera leader mondiale nella progettazione e produzione di isolatori per l’industria farmaceutica ha annunciato la collaborazione con la nostra incubata Pharma Integration, start up innovativa focalizzata nella progettazione e sviluppo di impianti di nuova generazione per la ripartizione di prodotti iniettabili completamente robotizzati.
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SKAN is pleased to announce the cooperation with Pharma Integration S.R.L.
The isolation and automation of critical processes are the future trends in the development, production and quality control of the pharma- and biotech- industry. SKAN, who thanks to their innovative technology and strong organization has established an outstanding international reputation, knows about the importance of strong partners. SKAN has found another partner in the Italian company Pharma Integration S.R.L. A team of renowned experts around Claudio Bechini have put their forces together to offer solutions for the automation of pharmaceutical processes based on state of the art industrial robotics. Claudio Bechini has been working for decades on the conception, development and realization of process equipment for the pharmaceutical industry.
The target of Pharma Integration is to develop and offer fully integrated and highly flexible solutions for the automation of critical pharmaceutical processes, based on the integration of robotics and isolator technology. Thomas Huber, CMO at SKAN, about the cooperation: „SKAN is very well positioned to follow and positively influence the future trends of isolation. With partners like Pharma Integration we have a very good support and look forward to a constructive cooperation.“
Pharma Integration S.R.L. is located in an European Centre for biotech and robotics at Siena, Italy.